View from the Cafe Welcome to the unofficial Gloucestershire Airport website
1st January 2006
N777FC Falcon 200 to Bern
2nd January 2006
EIHXM JetRanger Weston Elstree
GBHAC Cessna 152 Shobdon Shobdon
GBOMO Tomahawk Swansea Swansea
GBOMS Cessna 172 Coventry Coventry
GCCBH Pa-28 Thruxton Thruxton
GCCGG Jabiru 400 Dunkeswell Dunkeswell
GCOVB Pa28 Coventry Shobdon
GJANN Seneca Fairoaks Fairoaks
N709EL BeechJet Cannes East Midlands
4th January 2006
GBBBX Cessna 310 Coventry Coventry
GBHYG Seneca Oxford Oxford
GBXJD Pa-28 Wolverhampton Cardiff
GBYWG Tutor Colerne Colerne
GCEGA Seneca Bristol Oxford
GIVIV Robinson R-44 to Bristol
GKAAT Explorer ZZZZ ZZZZ dep 5
GONES Slingsby T-67 from Kemble
N92001 Explorer to Manchester
5th January 2006
GBCVY Seneca Bristol Oxford
GBEJV Seneca Bristol Oxford
GBHYE Seneca Bristol Oxford
GBHYF Seneca Oxford Oxford
GBHYF Seneca Filton Oxford
GBNKC Cessna 152 Shobdon Shobdon
GBOUM Seneca Filton Oxford
GBTKL Bolkow 105 Cardiff Heliport Cardiff Heliport
GOJAN Robinson R-22 Leicester Wolverhampton
GOPLC Dove Biggin Hill Biggin Hill
GWARR Pa-28 Goodwood Connington
GXBOX JetRanger ZZZZ Shobdon
N600RN MD600N ZZZZ ZZZZ dep 17
N709EL BeechJet East Midlands Biggin Hill
XW847 Gazelle Blackpool Yeovilton
6th January 2006
GBHYF Seneca Oxford Filton
GBHYG Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBOCG Seneca Filton Oxford
GBODY Cessna 310 Coventry Coventry
GBOUM Seneca Oxford Oxford
GBYZZ Robinson R-22 Swansea Bristol dep 13
GCDLY Cirrus SR22 Shobdon Shobdon
GDCPA Bk117 Exeter Exeter
GEGAN Enstrom ZZZZ Beccles
GPASH AS355 to White Waltham sold ex resident
N180BB Cessna 180 ZZZZ ZZZZ dep 29
N818Y Twin Comanche from ZZZZ
XZ341 Gazelle ZZZZ Blackpool
7th January 2006
GIPAL Citation Birmingham Dublin dep 9
8th January 2006
N34RF Beech 90 Guernsey Guernsey
N3586D Navajo Toussus Jersey dep 20
N709EL BeechJet Biggin Hill East Midlands
9th January 2006
GBYZP Robinson R-22 Swansea ZZZZ dep 24
N359DW Twin Comanche to Jersey
10th January 2006
GBVMA Beech 200 Cardiff Cardiff dep 12
GBXJD Pa-28 Exeter Shobdon
GDJAE Citation Farnborough Dublin dep 12
GFANY JetRanger from Wolverhampton
GGAFA Seneca Bristol Oxford
GGAFA Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GLENI AS355 Blackbushe Denham dep 11
GLNAA Explorer to Waddington
GSUSX Explorer Shoreham Shoreham dep 14
GWMID Explorer Birmingham Birmingham dep 27
ZH894 Chinook ZZZZ Odiham
ZJ273 AS350 Shawbury Lyneham
11th January 2006
GBCVY Seneca Bristol Oxford
GBHYF Seneca Oxford Oxford
GBOCG Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBOMO Tomahawk Swansea Swansea
GBOUR Pa-28 Oxford Oxford
GFBRN Pa-28 ZZZZ Kemble
GMFMF JetRanger Bristol Filton
GRNRS Bulldog Kemble Kemble
GSPEE Robinson R-22 Shobdon Shobdon
GWLDN Robinson R-44 Cranfield Sandtoft
N278SA Cessna 177 from Kemble new resident
N322MC Hughes 369 ZZZZ ZZZZ
N322MC Hughes 369 ZZZZ ZZZZ
N485A Enstrom 480 to ZZZZ
12th January 2006
GBHYF Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBHYG Seneca Bristol Oxford
GBOSR Pa28 Bournemouth Bournemouth
GBOUM Seneca Bournemouth Oxford
GBZBS Pa-28 White Waltham White Waltham
GCCAV Pa28 Southend Southend
GCHEZ Islander Chester Chester
GKRNW EC-135 St. Mawgan St. Mawgan dep 19
GLINE AS355 Wolverhampton Oxford dep 13
GMFMF JetRanger Bristol Bristol
GMLSN Hughes 369 ZZZZ Shobdon dep 14
GOHMS AS355 Bristol Bristol
GUSKY Aviat Husky Shoreham ZZZZ dep 13
N34RF Beech 90 Guernsey Guernsey
N560TH Citation XL Ronaldsway Blackpool
XZ303 Gazelle Shawbury Netheravon
13th January 2006
GBOUM Seneca Bristol Oxford
GBWXH Slingsby T-67 Barkston Heath Barkston Heath
GBXJD Pa-28 Shobdon Shobdon
GGDOG Arrow Wickenby Wickenby
GMATZ Pa-28 Coventry Coventry
N2923N Cherokee Six Jersey Wolverhampton
N4168D Seneca Exeter Shoreham dep 14
N6498V Cessna 303 Guernsey Guernsey
N916CD Cirrus SR22 Barton Redhill
ZJ121 Merlin Wattisham ZZZZ
ZJ129 Merlin Wattisham ZZZZ
14th January 2006
GBOHU Tomahawk Pembery Pembery
GIGHH Enstrom from ZZZZ new resident
GMLSN Hughes 369 Shobdon ZZZZ
GSHSP Cessna 172 Haverfordwest Sleap
N350PB Navajo Birmingham Birmingham dep 27
N709EL BeechJet East Midlands Birmingham
15th January 2006
N13PF Twin Comanche from Enstone
N2923N Cherokee Six Wolverhampton Jersey
16th January 2006
GBHYE Seneca Filton Oxford
GBOUM Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBXJD Pa-28 Shobdon Shobdon
GDNCS Arrow from Manchester
GGMPS Explorer Shawbury Barton dep 26
GGOAC Seneca Filton Oxford
N709EL BeechJet East Midlands Florence
ZH776 Chinook Odiham ZZZZ
17th January 2006
GBARP Jet Ranger Bristol Bristol
GBEJV Seneca Bristol Oxford
GBEJV Seneca Bristol Oxford
GBGOL Arrow Bournemouth Bournemouth
GBHAC Cessna 152 Shobdon Shobdon
GBHYE Seneca Filton Filton
GBHYF Seneca Oxford Oxford
GBORW Cessna 172 Coventry Coventry
GBOUM Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBOUM Seneca Filton Oxford
GBPXX Seneca Sherburn Cardiff
GBPXX Seneca Cardiff Sherburn
GBSIM Pa-28 Wolverhampton Wolverhampton
GBYKO Pa-28 Oxford Oxford
GBYSP Pa-28 Wellesbourne Wolverhampton
GCAMB AS355 Wyton Wyton dep 19
GGAFA Seneca Filton Oxford
GGOAC Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GIPAL Citation Dublin Belfast dep 19
GOPSS Cirrus SR22 Turweston Turweston
GSUFF EC-135 Wattisham Wattisham dep 21
GWAAS Bolkow 105 Swansea Swansea
N34RF Beech 90 Guernsey Guernsey
N5120 Bell 430 ZZZZ ZZZZ
N5120 Bell 430 ZZZZ ZZZZ
N590CD Cirrus SR22 Turweston Oxford dep 20
N709EL BeechJet Maastricht East Midlands
XZ208 Lynx Bournemouth Netheravon
ZH141 AS355 Innsworth Innsworth
18th January 2006
GBEJV Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYE Seneca Oxford Oxford
GBHYE Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYF Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYG Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYG Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBVMA Beech 200 Cardiff Oxford
GBYBA Jet Ranger Shobdon Shobdon
GCEGA Seneca Bristol Oxford
GGAFA Seneca Filton Oxford
GOVMC Cessna 152 Coventry Coventry
GTAMB Schweizer 269D Henstridge ZZZZ
GTBGL Agusta A109 to ZZZZ
19th January 2006
GBEJV Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYE Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYF Seneca Filton Oxford
GBKMA Mooney Cambridge Cambridge
GBOUM Seneca Filton Oxford
GBOUM Seneca Filton Oxford
GBRAK Cessna 172 Kemble Kemble
GCEGA Seneca Filton Filton
GFBRN Pa-28 Shobdon Shobdon
GGYTO Pa-28 Wellesbourne Wellesbourne
GMDCA Seneca Blackpool Blackpool
GOSTU AA-5 Kemble Kemble dep 20
N95D Seneca Welshpool Welshpool
20th January 2006
GATTI Pa-28 Bristol Bristol
GBARP Jet Ranger Bristol Bristol
GBHYF Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBMDK Seneca Oxford Rotterdam
GBMDK Seneca Rotterdam Oxford
GBOJS Cessna 172 Denham Denham
GBOUM Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBZMT Pa28 White Waltham White Waltham
GCRIL Commander 114 Cardiff Cardiff
GFBRN Pa-28 Shobdon Shobdon
GGWYN Cessna 172 Denham Denham
GHRON/XR442 Sea Heron ex resident crated up and departed by road destination Portland, Oregon, USA
GOCTU Pa28 Denham Denham
GOPSS Cirrus SR22 Turweston Turweston
GOSSF AA-5 from Kemble
GRMAC Europa Compton Abbas Kemble
GTAGS Pa-28 Oxford Oxford
GWCAO EC-135 Filton Filton
N122MG Cirrus SR22 Turweston Turweston
N35AD Twin Comanche Jersey Fairoaks
N7640F Pa32R Sleap Wellesbourne
XX456 Gazelle ZZZZ Dishforth
ZJ133 Merlin Benson ZZZZ
21st January 2006
GAVOM Jodel Bickmarsh ZZZZ
GAVWU Arrow Elstree Elstree
GBAMJ Cessna 182 Enstone Enstone
GBANX Cessna 172 Oxford Kemble
GBBCZ AA-5 Blackbushe Compton Abbas
GBEJV Seneca Oxford Oxford
GBNMF Cessna 152 Wolverhampton Wolverhampton
GBSIM Pa-28 Wolverhampton Wolverhampton
GBXJD Pa-28 from Shobdon
GBYBA Jet Ranger ZZZZ Shobdon
GBYTM Banbi Shobdon Shobdon
GCCLW DA-40 Exeter Cranfield
GCDDT TB-20 Oxford Oxford
GCDEF Pa28 Thruxton Henstridge
GCDLV Lindstrand 105A departed from airfield during afternoon "Nokia" titles
GDIGI Cherokee Six Stapleford Connington
GHTRL Seneca Oxford Newcastle
GHTRL Seneca Newcastle Oxford
GNEAT Europa Sleap Sleap
GTAGS Pa-28 Oxford Oxford
GWARB Pa28 Cambridge Biggin Hill
GWMAA Bolkow 105 from ZZZZ
N34RF Beech 90 Guernsey Guernsey
N482RK BeechJet Keflavik Malta dep 22 en route Sydney on delivery flight by Aerodynamics
22nd January 2006
23rd January 2006
GBHYE Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYG Seneca Oxford Oxford
GBOJK Seneca Blackbushe Blackbushe
GBOUM Seneca Filton Oxford
GGAFA Seneca Filton Oxford
GMFMF JetRanger Bristol Bristol
GSFCJ Cessna 525 Oxford Osnabrück
GSFCJ Cessna 525 Osnabrück Birmingham
GWIZZ Jet Ranger to Oxford
24th January 2006
GAVKN Cessna 401 Rochester Rochester
GAVKN Cessna 401 Rochester Rochester
GBCVY Seneca Filton Oxford
GBCVY Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYG Seneca Filton Oxford
GBOUM Seneca Filton Oxford
GBSFK Pa-28 Oxford Oxford
GBSLE Pa-28 Oxford Oxford
GCEGA Seneca Filton Oxford
GMPAA Pa28 Biggin Hill Biggin Hill
GPBEK Agusta 109 ZZZZ ZZZZ dep 26
GSBKR Tobago Luton Luton
GWAAS Bolkow 105 Swansea Swansea dep 25
N192JM Mooney Plymouth Plymouth dep 25
N34RF Beech 90 Guernsey Guernsey
25th January 2006
GBEJV Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYE Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYF Seneca Filton Oxford
GBVMA Beech 200 Cardiff Filton dep 26
GFLYI Seneca from Southend
GJTNC Citation to Birmingham
GMLSN Hughes 369 ZZZZ ZZZZ dep 26
GWALI Robinson R-44 Kemble Kemble dep 27
GWARU Pa28 White Waltham White Waltham
N92001 Explorer Manchester Manchester
OYFFB Citation Stavanger Stavanger dep 27
ZG846 Islander Middle Wallop Belfast
26th January 2006
DISHW CitationJet Monchengladbach Farnborough
GATTI Pa-28 Bristol Bristol
GBADJ Aztec Cranfield Cranfield
GBADJ Aztec to Cranfield
GBHYF Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBNMF Cessna 152 Wolverhampton Wolverhampton
GBNOJ Pa28 Blackpool Blackpool
GBOCM Slingsby T-67 Benson Benson
GBOUM Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBRWX Cessna 172 Sheffield Sheffield
GBSIM Pa-28 Wellesbourne Wolverhampton
GBTAS Tomahawk Liverpool Liverpool
GBVMA Beech 200 Filton Glasgow dep 28
GBWLS Katana Blackbushe Blackbushe
GCBXN Robinson R-22 Bristol Bristol
GGAFA Seneca Filton Oxford
GGAFA Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GJDEE Trinidad Leicester Leicester
GLAMS Cessna 152 Swansea Kemble
GLKTB Pa28 Manchester Manchester
GMAIR Seneca Bristol Bristol
GMFMF JetRanger Bristol Bristol
GMLSN Hughes 369 ZZZZ ZZZZ dep 27
GMUSH Robinson R-44 Cardiff Heliport ZZZZ
GOAAA Pa-28 Wolverhampton Wolverhampton
GOABO Enstrom to ZZZZ
GOMAT Pa-28 Coventry Coventry
GOMAT Pa-28 Coventry Coventry
GWACG Cessna 152 Booker Booker
GWLDN Robinson R-44 Cranfield ZZZZ
N34RF Beech 90 Fairoaks Guernsey
N34RF Beech 90 Guernsey Fairoaks
PHRSA Citation XL Le Bourget Teesside
ZB688 Gazelle Middle Wallop Middle Wallop
27th January 2006
GBAMC Cessna 150 Welshpool Wellesbourne
GBHYE Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBHYF Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBHYG Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBHYG Seneca Filton Oxford
GBMNL Arrow Kemble Shobdon dep 28
GBOUM Seneca Filton Oxford
GBZMT Pa28 White Waltham White Waltham
GBZOG Dornier 328 Newcastle Newcastle dep 28
GCBEZ Robin Exeter Turweston dep 28
GCDLY Cirrus SR22 Shobdon Shobdon dep 28
GFIRM Citation Cambridge Teesside
GJETU AS355 ZZZZ Oxford dep 28
GKITS Europa Haverfordwest Wellesbourne dep 30
GOOCS Hughes 369 Dunkeswell ZZZZ dep 29
GPBEK Agusta 109 ZZZZ ZZZZ dep 28
GTORS Robinson R-22 Wellesbourne Shobdon
GTORS Robinson R-22 Wellesbourne Wellesbourne
N222SW Cirrus SR22 Cork Cork
N34RF Beech 90 Guernsey Guernsey
N9208V Explorer from Carlisle
ZF140 Tucano Linton-on-Ouse Linton-on-Ouse
ZJ133 Merlin Benson Benson
28th January 2006
GBHRM Cessna 152 Wellesbourne Tatenhill
GBLTK R Commander 112 Blackbushe ZZZZ
GBPTE Pa28 ZZZZ Blackbushe dep 29
GCBXN Robinson R-22 Bristol Bristol
GCHZN Robinson R-22 Welshpool Wolverhampton
GDAND Tobago Shobdon Wellesbourne
GDIVA Cessna 172 Turweston Turweston
GLBRC Arrow from Wolverhampton
GMDJN Baron Wolverhampton Oxford
GMIDD Pa-28 Coventry Coventry
N34RF Beech 90 Guernsey Guernsey
NC18028 Staggerwing Popham Popham
29th January 2006
GBFDK Pa28 Kemble Kemble
GBWLS Katana Blackbushe Blackbushe
GBYZR Sky Arrow Gamston Gamston
GESLH Agusta A109 Coventry Cork
GLAVE Cessna 172 Earls Colne Earls Colne
GSRZO Cirrus SR20 from Earls Colne
GVOID Arrow Dunkeswell Shoreham
N34RF Beech 90 Guernsey Guernsey
N8258F Bonanza to ZZZZ
30th January 2006
CSDRE Hawker 800XP Geneva Guernsey dep 31
GBHYE Seneca Filton Oxford
GBHYG Seneca Filton Oxford
GBOUM Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBOUM Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GBZBS Pa-28 White Waltham White Waltham
GGAFA Seneca Birmingham Oxford
GGAFA Seneca Filton Oxford
GLENI AS355 from
GSASH Explorer from Leeds
N34RF Beech 90 Southampton Guernsey
31st January 2006
GBBBX Cessna 310 Jersey Wellesbourne
GBHYE Seneca Cardiff Oxford
GBSFK Pa-28 Oxford Oxford
GIIPT Robinson R-22 to Cranfield
GLAIN Robinson R-22 from Cranfield for Patriot
GWIRE AS355 from Oxford
GYSTT Saratoga from Wolverhampton